Sets the Product Properties associated to an Activation Key.
To use a proxy server, you must set the UseProxyServer, ProxyUser, ProxyDomain and ProxyPassword properties prior to calling this function.
SetProductProperties should typically never be called from within your application. SetProductProperties is considered to be part of the License Server Management API and therefore prior to calling it, you must set the QlmLicense.AdminEncryptionKey property.
If you must call SetProductProperties from within your application, we recommend that you do not set the QlmLicense.AdminEncryptionKey property in your application but rather set the Server Property setProductPropertiesUseAdminEncryptionKey property to false. You can set Server Properties from the QLM Management Console / Manage Keys / Sites / Server Properties / options.
C#: bool SetProductProperties (string webServiceUrl, string activationKey, string propertiesXml, out string errorMessage)
webServiceUrl - URL to the QLM License Server.
activationKey - the license key to activate
propertiesXml - an xml fragment of product properties
errorMessage- error message if the call failed
LicenseValidator lv = new LicenseValidator();
string props = lv.QlmLicenseObject.GetProductProperties(string.Empty, "AXDJ0T0Z00AEIX8F8ZHE3J1G8P", out response);
QlmProductProperties pps = new QlmProductProperties();
foreach (QlmProductProperty pp in pps.Properties)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Property: {0}, Value: {1}", pp.ToString(), pp.PropValue));
if ((pp.Name == "my_name") && (pp.Category == "my_category"))
pp.PropValue = 1;
string xml = pps.Serialize();
string returnMessage;
lv.QlmLicenseObject.AdminEncryptionKey = "{14f3b542-8547-414f-a42b-1d571bd733d4}";
if (lv.QlmLicenseObject.SetProductProperties("", activationKey, xml, out returnMessage) == false)
// Check the returnMessage
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