Note that to call this function, you must:
- Set the AdminEncryptionKey property
C#: void GetDataSetEx (string webServiceUrl, string table, string filter, ref string dataSet, out string response)
webServiceUrl - URL to the QLM License Server.
table- specify the table to query. The possible values are:
- qryLicenseInfo: the main table where all license keys are recorded.
- qryActivationLog: the table containing the activation log for multiple activations keys.
- qryLicenseHistoryInfo: the table containing historical keys.
- qryAnalyticsInstalls: the table containing Analytics.
- qryActivationAttempts: the table containing the activation attempts.
- qryIllegalComputers: the table containing the illegal computers.
filter - SQL filter to determine which records to return. Use a where clause sql syntax, example: ActivationKey='AAAA'. Note that if the filter contains an Activation Key or a Computer Key, you must strip out the dashes in the license key. License keys in the database are stored without dashes.
dataSet - returned dataset containing license key records that match criteria
response - XML fragment containing the result of the call. The Xml fragment schema is as follows:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<result>Successfully executed query using filter...</result>
In the event of an error, the XML fragments returns:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<error>Details about the error</error>
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