Note that to call this function, you must:
- Set the AdminEncryptionKey property
C#: void DeleteLicense (string webServiceUrl, string activationKey, string computerID, bool multipleActivationsKey, bool historyTable, out string response)
webServiceUrl - URL to the QLM License Server.
activationKey - the license key to delete
computerID - the computer ID to delete. The computerID is optional if multipleActivationsKey is false.
multipleActivationsKey - set to true if this key is a multiple activations key. The Delete operates then on the ActivationLog table. The computerID must be specified.
historyTable - set to true if you want to delete licenses from the history table where all released licenses are backed up.
response - XML fragment containing the result of the call. The Xml fragment schema is as follows:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<result>ActivationKey A162DCF05C30D371A2D0E0461040A0 has been deleted.</result>
In the event of an error, the XML fragments returns:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<error>Details about the error</error>
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