Offline License Validation
I am trying to implement Licensing on a .NET Core 7 server based application.
Currently I have 2 forms
- Upload the QlmLicense xml file that I have received (Root node: QuickLicenseManager)
- Send ActivationKey and ComputerID to our API to allow license activation
At the moment I am always getting a status of EKeyInvalid.
The QlmLIcense file and the Public key are stored in a database
The LicenseValidator constructor runs the following code without error
license.ReadLicenseXml(licenseXml.ToString(), string.Empty, out errorMessage);
license.RsaPublicKey = publicKey;
if (license.ValidateSettingsContent(licenseXml.ToString(), out errorMessage) == false)
throw new Exception(errorMessage);
So far I have tried the following NUGET packages without success
- QLM.QlmLicenseLib
- QLM.QlmLicenseLibNetStd
- QLM.QlmLicenseLibNetCore
I have suspicion that I am missing the settings.xml file generated by the Protect Your App Wizard. But I have tried the Protect My Application in the Desktop application and that doesn't generate a settings.xml file when I go through the wizard.
Official comment
Hi William,
1. Can you clarify which API call is returning EKeyInvalid?
2. Can you send attach the License XML file?
Since this forum is public, I would recommend that you open a ticket by emailing and then share private files within the ticket.
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