The QLM WizardControl manages online and offline activation of license keys. Upon activation, the keys are stored on the end user system.
Note that you should always make sure that the properties set in the QLM Wizard control match the corresponding properties set in the LicenseValidator class. The most critical properties that you need to ensure are set to the same value in both locations are:
- QlmProductID
- QlmMajorVersion
- QlmMinorVersion
- QlmPublicKey
- QlmLicenseType
- QlmCommunicationEncryptionKey
- QlmWebServiceUrl
- QlmStoreKeysLocation
- QlmStoreKeysOptions
After setting any of the properties below programmatically, you must call the PostInitialize method for the settings to take effect. You should avoid calling PostInitialize more than once.
QLM Wizard - GUI Properties
Name | Description |
QlmActivationMethodCaption | Caption of the Activation Method page. |
QlmActivationMethodTitle | Title of the Activation Method page. |
QlmActivationMethodTitleImage | Image displayed to the left of the title of the Activation Method page. |
QlmBackColorButtons | Background color of all buttons and the progress bar. |
QlmBorderColorText | Border color of all text fields. |
QlmBuyNowCaption | Caption of the Buy Now button. |
QlmBuyNowUrl | URL associated to the Buy Now button. |
QlmDeactivateCaption | Caption of the Deactivate radio button on the Activation Method page. |
QlmDeactivatePageCaption | Caption of the Deactivation page. |
QlmEULACaption | End User License Agreement Caption. |
QlmEULAUrl | End User License Agreement URL. |
QlmFontButtons | Font to use on all buttons. |
QlmFontLabels | Font to use on all labels. |
QlmFontResult | Font to use in the result panel. |
QlmFontText | Font to use on all text fields. |
QlmForeColorButtons | Foreground color of all buttons and the progress bar. |
QlmForeColorControls | Foreground colors of all controls such as labels and buttons. |
QlmForeColorResult | Foreground colors of the result panel that displays the result of the license validation. |
QlmForeColorText | Foreground colors of all text fields. |
QlmFormatLicenseKey | Formats the license key by adding dash separators. |
QlmFormatLicenseKeyGroupSize | Size of the group of characters in a formatted license. The QlmFormatLicenseKey property must be true for this to take effect. |
QlmFormatLicenseKeyMaxGroupSize | Maximum size of the group of characters in a formatted license. The QlmFormatLicenseKey property must be true for this setting to have an effect. |
QlmFormBackColor | Sets the background color of the wizard. |
QlmFormCurvature | Curvature of the corners of the wizard. |
QlmFormFooterColor | Background color to display in the footer panel of the wizard. |
QlmFormHeaderBackColor | Background color to display in the header of the wizard. |
QlmFormHeaderForeColor | Foreground color to display in the header of the wizard. |
QlmFormLeftPanelColor | Background color to display in the lef thand panel of the wizard. |
QlmHoverColor | Hover color of all controls |
QlmHoverForeColor | Hover foreground color of all controls. |
QlmHowToGetComputerKeyCaption | How to get the Computer key caption |
QlmHowToGetComputerKeyUrl | How to get the Computer key URL |
QlmMessageExpired | Sets the text to display if the license key expired. |
QlmMessageRemainingDays | Sets the text to display when a trial license is still valid. The message should include a {0} argument to display the remaining days. |
QlmMessageTrial | Sets the text to display when a trial license is detected. |
QlmOfflineActivationCaption | Caption of the Offline Activation button. |
QlmOfflineActivationPageCaption | Caption of the Offline Activation page. |
QlmOnlineActivationCaption | Caption of the Online Activation button. |
QlmOnlineActivationPageCaption | Caption of the Online Activation page. |
QlmProductImage | Set the image displayed to the left of the product name. |
QlmProductTitle | Sets the title of the product. |
QlmRegisterUserPageCaption | Caption of the User Registration page. |
QlmScanQRCodeCaption | Scan QR Code caption. |
QlmShowActivationMethodPage | Show or hide the Activation Method page. |
QlmShowBuyNowButton | Show or hide the Buy Now button. |
QlmShowCheckForUpdates | Show or hide the Check for updates feature. |
QlmShowDeactivationPage | Show or hide the Deactivation feature. |
QlmShowMinimizeButton | Show or hide the Minimize button. |
QlmShowOfflineActivationKey | Show or hide the Activation Key field on the Offline Activation page. This property should always be set to true except for QLM Express. |
QlmShowOfflineActivationPage | Show or hide the Offline Activation page. |
QlmShowOnlineActivationPage | Show or hide the Online Activation page. |
QlmShowProxyButton | Show or hide the Proxy Settings button. |
QlmShowTryButton | Show or hide the Try button. |
QlmShowUserRegistrationPage | Show or hide the User Registration page. |
QlmShowWelcomePage | Show or hide the Welcome page. |
QlmShowWizardVersion | Show or hide the QLM License Wizard. This is useful for troubleshooting purposes. |
QlmTitlesFont | Font of all titles. |
QlmTitlesForeColor | Foreground color of all titles. |
QlmTryButtonCaption | Caption of the Try button. |
QlmWelcomePageCaption | Caption of the welcome page. |
QlmWizardLogo | Logo displayed in the bottom left hand corner. The expected size is 90x60 pixels. |
QlmWizardTitle | Title of the wizard. |
QLM Wizard - Behavior properties
Name | Description |
QlmCloseFormOnFinish | Automatically close the form when the user clicks the Finish or Cancel button. |
QlmExeWrapperRunWithElevatedPrivileges | This property applies to EXE protection. When launching the wrapped executable, request elevated privileges. This is typically required if the wrapped executable is a setup program. |
QlmExeWrapperShowWizardBeforeExpiry | This property applies to Document or EXE Protection. When using a trial or subscription license, display the QLM License Wizard x days before expiry. Set the value to -1 to always display the wizard. Set the value to the number of days prior to expiry when the wizard should start to be displayed. |
QlmExitProcessAfterInstall | During a check for updates, exit the process after the user clicks the Install button. |
QLM Wizard - User Registration properties
Name | Description |
QlmAllowMultipleTrialKeyRequests | Allow the user to request another trial key even if he/she has already requested and activated a trial key once. |
QlmEmailTrialKeyAfterUserRegistration | When the user registration page is enabled, the wizard can automatically send a request to the server to email a trial key after the user is successfully registered on the server. |
QlmGenerateTrialKeyAfterUserRegistration | When the user registration page is enabled, the wizard can automatically generate a trial key after the user is successfully registered on the server. |
QlmTrialKeyDuration | Set the duration of the trial in days |
QlmTrialKeyEmailTemplate | Set the email template to use when emailing the trial key to the user. |
QlmTrialKeyFeatures | Select which features are enabled for the automatically generated trial key. |
QlmUserRegistrationCompanyRequired | Specify whether the Company is required when registering a user. |
QlmUserRegistrationEmailRequired | Specify whether the Email is required when registering a user. |
QlmUserRegistrationFullNameRequired | Specify whether the Fullname is required when registering a user. |
QlmUserRegistrationPhoneRequired | Specify whether the Phone is required when registering a user. |
QLM Wizard - License properties
Name | Description |
QlmApplicationVersion | Version of your application. Example: 2.1.3. This property should typically be set at runtime. When using the QLMLicenseWizard.exe, specify the /appversion command line argument. When using the QLM License Wizard .NET control, set the QlmApplicationVersion property at runtime and then call PostInitialize(). |
QlmCommunicationEncryptionKey | Set the communicationEncryptionKey to use when connecting to the QLM web service. The communicationEncryptionKey must match the one defined in the web.confi file on the web server. |
QlmCommunicationProtocolType | Defines the communication protocol type to use when communication with the License Server. The available options are: SSL3 | TLS | TLS1 | TLS12 |
QlmCustomerSiteUrl | URL to the QLM Customer Site. Do not include the index.html suffix. Example: |
QlmEnableAnalytics | Enables publishing Analytics Data to the License Server. Requires QLM Enterprise. |
QlmEnableClientLanguageDetection | Enable the detection of the client locale to send it to the server. This will enable the server to respond in the client language. |
QlmEnableMultiByte | Enable multibyte to support system with a ComputerID that contains multibyte characters. |
QlmEnableSoapExtension | By default, QLM sends custom headers with every SOAP request and sends information to the server related to the customer's locale. If this interferes with your own SOAP extension, you can turn off QLM's extension. |
QlmEncryptLicenseKeysInStore | Store the license keys encrypted in the registry. |
QlmEvaluationLicenseKey | Set the evaluation key to use when the user selects to evaluate the software and does not have a license key. |
QlmEvaluationPerUser | Sets whether the evaluation information is stored per user or per machine. |
QlmExpiryDateRoundHoursUp | When evaluating the number of days left for a license, any time that is less than a day can either be rounded up to a day or ignored. The default is to round up to a day. |
QlmFavorMachineLevelLicenseKey | If a license key is stored both at the user level and the machine level, set this property to true to favor the key stored at the machine level. |
QlmGUID | Set the GUID associated to your product. The GUID can be found on the Define Product page in the QLM Console. |
QlmLicenseBinding |
Defines the unique identifier a license is bound to. The possible values are: ComputerName: binds the license to the name of the computer UserDefined: binds the license to a user defined identifier MacAddress: binds the license to the first MAC address discovered. VolumeSerialNumber: binds the license to the serial number of the first volume. MotherBoardSerialNumber: binds the license to the mother board serial number. ActiveDirectoryComputerDomain: binds the license to the AD domain. ActiveDirectoryAppDomain: binds the license to the AD domain associated to the account running the application.
QlmUniqueSystemIdentifier1: binds the license to unique identifier as shown below: For Virtual machinees, tries to get System Management BIOS UUID. For physical machines, tries to get Motherboard Serial Number. If the above fails, tries to get the first Volume Serial Number. |
QlmLicenseServerUrl | Set the URL to the QLM License Server. The value of this url is typically: |
QlmMajorVersion | Set the Major Version associated to your product. The Major Version can be found on the Define Products page in the QLM Console. |
QlmMaxDaysOffline | The maximum number of days a user can go without contacting the License Server. |
QlmMinorVersion | Set the Minor Version associated to your product. The Minor Version can be found on the Define Products page in the QLM Console. |
QlmOfflinePeriodExceededAction | Enable a timer that runs once per day and checks the maxDaysOffline property. If the timer detects that the maxDaysOffline was exceeded, it will trigger the selected action. You should enable the ThrowException option only if your code can handle exceptions. If you do not handle the exception, the application will crash. |
QlmOverrideKeyStoreRegistry | Change the default registry key where QLM stores license key information. This is strictly for permanent licenses. |
QlmProductID | Set the Product ID Version associated to your product. The Product ID can be found on the Define Products page in the QLM Console. |
QlmProductName | Set the Product Name associated to your product. |
QlmPublicKey | Set the Public Key associated to your product. The Public Key Version can be found on the Define Products page (Keys tab) in the QLM Console. |
QlmRSAPublicKey | RSA Public Key. The RSA public key can be found in the Keys tab on the Define Products page in the QLM Console. The RSA key pair is used to digitally sign xml documents returned by the server. This includes the license file for cross platform license protection, the Product Properties XML file and the QLM License Wizard settings file. |
QlmStoreKeysLocation | Location where to store license keys. Keys can be stored in a file on in the registry. |
QlmStoreKeysOptions | Set whether to store license keys per user, per machine or both. |
QlmValidateCertificate | The QLM DLLs are digitally signed by a trusted certificate authority. In order to ensure that hackers do not replace the QLM DLLs by dummy ones, QLM can validate that the DLLs are properly signed. |
QlmValidateLicenseOnServer | Validate the license on the server to check if it was revoked or if it's an illegal license. This property works in tandem with the MaxDaysOffline property. |
QlmVersion | Version of the QLM License Engine to use. The recommended value is 5.0.00. |
QLM Wizard - Floating License properties
Name | Description |
QlmFloatingDbPassword | Password to the floating license database. |
QlmFloatingLicenseCaptionFont | Font of the Floating License caption. |
QlmFloatingLicenseCaptionForeColor | Foreground color of the Floating License caption. |
QlmFloatingLicenseDbFormat | Format of the QLM Floating License database. |
QlmFloatingLicenseDbPath | Path to the QLM Floating License database. |
QlmFloatingLicenseMaxOfflineDuration | Maximum duration of an offline floating license, in hours. |
QlmFloatingLicensePageCaption | Caption of the Floating License Page. |
QlmFloatingLicensePageCaption | Caption of the Floating License Page. |
QlmShowFloatingLicensePage | Show or hide the Floating License DB selection page. |
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