Each QLM License record contains a field called LastAccessedDate (LAD).
Despite its name, this field is not updated whenever a record is accessed. A more appropriate name for this field would have been LastModifiedDate. The LAD is updated in the following cases:
- When the license is initially created.
- When the license is activated.
- When the license is released (deactivated).
- When the license is updated/upgraded.
- When the license is revoked.
As of QLM v15, any change to license information by editing a license in the QLM Management Console, in the QLM Portal or by calling the UpdateLicenseInfo API will update the LastAccessedDate. Additionally, extending the expiry date of a license automatically updates the Computer Key of the activated licenses and hence updates the LAD.
If you are interested in tracking when a customer last accessed your application, you should check out QLM Enterprise Analytics feature set.
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