This article covers extending a subscription when the user does not have internet access (offline mode).
For more details about how to implement subscription licensing with QLM, check this article.
To extend a subscription offline:
- In the QLM Management Console, go to the Manage Keys tab
- Locate the license you would like to extend and select it
- Click the Renew Subscription button
- Enter a new date for the subscription and click Ok
- In the data grid, locate the ComputerKey column and copy its contents
- Email the customer their new ComputerKey
At the customer end, the following procedure must be followed:
- In the QLM License Wizard or the QLM .NET Control, the user must:
- Enter the Activation Key in the Activation Key field
- Click the Manual Activation radio button
- Enter the Computer Key in the Computer key field
- Click Activate
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