Following is a list of all the server properties that control the behavior of the QLM License Server. These properties can be set from the QLM Management Console under Manage Keys / Sites / Server Properties.
Name | Description |
Activation | |
activationByAuthorizationCodeEmailTemplate | The Email template to use when performing an activation by authorization code. |
activationByAuthorizationCodeEnableSMS | When activating a license by authorization code, send the authorization code by SMS message if the user has a mobile phone number specified. |
activationByAuthorizationCodeExpiryDuration | The expiry duration, in minutes, of an authorization code. |
activationByAuthorizationCodeMaxAttempts | The maximum number of failed attempts to activate a license with a given authorization code. |
captureIPAddress | When activating a license, automatically capture the client system's IP address and record it on the License Server. |
smsAccountNumber | To send an SMS message, you must use a communications platform that can send SMS messages. QLM currently supports Twilio as an SMS Provider. Specify the SMS Provider Account SID. |
smsAuthenticationToken | SMS provider Authentication Token. |
smsPhoneNumber | SMS phone number that will be sending text messages. |
updateComputerNameWhenReactivating | Update the computer name when reactivating a license. |
Analytics | |
analyticsGetsUseAdminEncryptionKey | When true, all Analytics Getxxx API methods require the use of the AdminEncryptionKey. |
customData1Caption | Caption of the Custom Data 1 field used in Analytics Reports. |
customData2Caption | Caption of the Custom Data 2 field used in Analytics Reports. |
customData3Caption | Caption of the Custom Data 3 field used in Analytics Reports. |
Authentication | |
autoCreateUserAccount | Instructs the server to automatically create a QLM user account when a customer is created. |
cloudDrive_azureClientId | Azure Client ID required when downloading a file in the License Wizard / Check For Updates options. For help in creating an Azure Client ID, read this. |
cloudDrive_googleClientId | Google Client ID required when authenticating an end-user with Google. For help in creating a Google App Client ID, read this. |
cloudDrive_googleP12KeyPath | Path to the P12 private key generated by Google for the service. The path can be a local path or a URL. |
wizard_azureClientId | Azure Client ID required when authenticating an end-user with Azure. You can create an Azure Client ID from the Azure Portal by creating a new App Registration. |
wizard_facebookAppId | Facebook App ID required when authenticating an end-user with Facebook. You can create a Facebook App ID from the Facebook for Developers site. |
wizard_facebookAppSecret | FacebookApp secret used when authenticating with Facebook. |
wizard_facebookOAuthRedirectURI | FacebookApp OAuth Redirect URI as defined in your Facebook App. |
wizard_googleClientId | Google Client ID required when authenticating an end-user with Google. You can create a Google App Client ID from the Google API Console. |
wizard_googleSecretId | Google Secret ID used when authenticating with Google. |
CustomerSite | |
allowGenericEmailProviders | Determines if generic email providers (such as hotmail, gmail) can request license keys. You can customize the list of generic email providers by setting the genericEmailProviders server property. |
bccRecipients |
When an email is sent from the QlmCustomerSite, automatically bcc the recipients specified in this setting. You can add a semi-comma-separated list of emails. |
ccRecipients |
When an email is sent from the QlmCustomerSite, automatically cc the recipients specified in this setting. You can add a semi-comma-separated list of emails. |
customerSiteLoggingLevel |
Set the logging level of the QLM Self Help. |
customerSiteLogo |
URL to an image file representing your company's logo. The URL can be relative or absolute. If it's a relative URL, the logo file must be uploaded to the server. The image should have a transparent background. The expected size is 112x80. |
customerSiteTitle | Title of the Customer Site pages. |
customerSiteUseLocalizedCaptions | Specify whether the QLM Self Help should use the built-in localized messages. If you have customized the QLM Self Help pages with your own text, you must set this property to false. When true, QLM will use pre-localized captions. |
customerSiteUseLocalizedCustomPages | Specify whether the QLM Self Help should try to load your own customized localized pages. To create a localized version of the QLM Self Help pages, you must make a copy of each page, rename the page to <original_name>_<language_code>.aspx and translate the content. For example, to translate QlmWebActivation.aspx to French, create a file called QlmWebActivation_fr.aspx with the translated content. |
Configure a custom URL to detect disposable email accounts and reject them. We currently support |
errorMessageEmailNotFound |
When requesting license keys to be sent by email from the QLM Self Help page, if the specified email is not found in the system, you can customize the error message displayed to the user. Example: A software activation key was not found for this email address. Please <a href="" style="color:red">click here</a> for more information. |
forceLicenseModelToTrial |
Force the license model of all license keys created by the Trial Registration Form to trial. This is the default and recommended value. |
includeRevokedLicensesWhenEmailing | When emailing a customer the list of their license keys, specify whether to include revoked license keys. |
includeExpiredLicensesWhenEmailing | When emailing a customer the list of their license keys, specify whether to include expired license keys. |
isCompanyRequired | Determines if the company field is mandatory in the Trial Registration Form. |
isCountryRequired | Determines if the country field is mandatory in the Trial Registration Form. |
isEmailRequired | Determines if the email field is mandatory in the Trial Registration Form. |
isFullNameRequired | Determines if the full name field is mandatory in the Trial Registration Form. |
isPhoneRequired | Determines if the phone field is mandatory in the Trial Registration Form. |
licenseInfoPage_ShowActivationDateColumn |
Show the Activation Date column on the list of registered computers on the License Information page. |
licenseInfoPage_ShowAnalytics | When displaying the License Information in the QLM Self Help, specify whether Analytics information should be shown. |
licenseInfoPage_ShowComputerIDColumn |
Show the Computer ID column on the list of registered computers on the License Information page. |
licenseInfoPage_ShowComputerNameColumn | Show the Computer Name column on the list of registered computers on the License Information page. |
licenseInfoPage_ShowFeatures | When displaying the License Information in the QLM Self Help, specify whether the Features should be shown. |
licenseInfoPage_ShowLastAccessedDateColumn |
Show the Last Accessed Date column on the list of registered computers on the License Information page. |
licenseInfoPage_ShowLicenseModel | When displaying the License Information in the QLM Self Help, specify whether the License Model should be shown. |
licenseInfoPage_ShowMaintenancePlan | When displaying the License Information in the QLM Self Help, specify whether the Maintenance Plan Expiry Date should be shown. |
licenseInfoPage_ShowProductProperties | When displaying the License Information in the QLM Self Help, specify whether the Product Properties should be shown. |
licenseInfoPage_ShowProductPropertiesCategory | When displaying the License Information in the QLM Self Help, specify whether the Product Properties' Category should be shown. |
licenseInfoPage_ShowRemainingDeactivations | When displaying the License Information in the QLM Self Help, specify whether the Remaining Deactivations should be shown. |
maxRegistrationsPerUser | The maximum number of registrations allowed per user (email). The default is 1. |
minimumDaysBetweenTrials | The number of days a trial user must wait before requesting another trial. A value of -1 indicates an infinite period. This setting works in conjunction with maxRegistrationsPerUser. |
minimumDaysBetweenTrialsDateField | The date field to use when evaluating the number of days elapsed since the last trial. The options are: OrderDate (the date the last trial license was created), SubscriptionExpiryDate (the expiry date of the last trial license) or ActivationDate (the date the last trial license was activated). |
preventDeactivationPeriod | Prevent a user from deactivating a license if it was activated for a period less than the specified value (in minutes). This should be used when implementing cloud-based floating licenses to prevent customers from easily deactivating a checked-out license. |
preventMultipleRegistrationsPerDomain | Prevent a user from requesting a trial license key if another user from the same domain has already requested a trial. This property works in conjunction with the genericEmailProviders property that allows you to configure generic email providers such as and |
preventMultipleRegistrationsPerMajorVersion | Prevent a user from requesting multiple license keys for the same product major version. When true, a user can request license keys for different major versions of the product. The default value is True. |
preventMultipleRegistrationsPerMinorVersion | Prevent a user from requesting multiple license keys for the same product minor version. When true, a user can request license keys for different minor versions of the product. The default value is False. |
preventMultipleRegistrationsPerProduct | Prevent a user from requesting multiple license keys for the same product. When true, a user can request license keys for different products. The default value is True. |
preventRegistrationsIfCustomer | Prevent a user from requesting a trial license key if another user from the same domain has already purchased this product. This property does not impact customers that use generic Email Providers. |
privacyPolicyUrl | Set the URL to your Privacy Policy document. When a URL is specified, the Trial Registration form will display a checkbox requiring the user to consent to the privacy policy before registering for a trial. |
productMinorVersionSuffix | Suffix used to replace the product's minor version on the Offline Activation page when showProductMinorVersion is set to false. |
registerButtonDoneUrl | The URL that the page redirects to in the Trial Registration Form when the user clicks the Done button after registration is completed. |
registrationFormCaption | The caption of the License Registration Form used to issue trial licenses (QlmRegistrationForm.aspx) |
registrationFormTitle | Title of the License Registration Form used to issue trial licenses (QlmRegistrationForm.aspx) |
requestKeysExcludeExpired | When requesting license keys to be emailed from the QLM Customer Site, do not send expired licenses. |
requestKeysExcludeRevoked | When requesting license keys to be emailed from the QLM Customer Site, do not send revoked licenses. |
requestKeysExcludeTrials | When requesting license keys to be emailed from the QLM Customer Site, do not send trial licenses. |
setOrganizationFromEmail | When customers request a trial license, this setting instructs QLM to identify and set the organization based on the customer's email address. |
showActivateLink |
Show the Activate link on the main QLM Self Help page. |
showComputerKeyFieldWhenGeneratingLicenseFile | For offline activation, determines whether to show the Computer Key field when the Generate License file checkbox is checked. |
showComputerNameForActivation | When true, a text field is added to the QLM Self Help Activation page that allows the user to enter a Computer Name. |
showDeactivateLink |
Show the Deactivate link on the main QLM Self Help page. |
showDeactivationVerificationCode | When set to true, the QLM Self Help Deactivation Page will require the user to enter a Deactivation Verification code in order to deactivate a license. The code is generated by the QLM License Wizard when a user deactivates a license offline. |
showEmailLicenseKeysLink |
Show the Email License Keys link on the main QLM Self Help page. |
showGenerateLicenseFileCheckbox | When true, the QLM Customer Site Activation page displays a checkbox to generate a license file. A license file is required for cross-platform applications (non-Windows). The license file also contains the Product Properties so it may be used on Windows as well to get the license's Product Properties. |
showGetLicenseInformationLink |
Show the Get License Information link on the main QLM Self Help page. |
showProductMinorVersion | Set this property to true to display the product's minor version on the Offline Activation page. When set to false, the minor version is replaced with the value specified by the server property productMinorVersionSuffix. |
showProductVersion | Set this property to true to display the product's version on the Offline Activation page. |
showSubscribeToMailList | When set to true, the QLM Self Help Trial Registration Form displays a checkbox allowing the user to subscribe to the QLM mail list. The subscribe to mail list is a field (IncludeInMailList) that you can use in your searches to exclude some customers when sending emails via QLM scheduled tasks. |
subscribeToMailListDefaultState | Sets the default state of the QLM Self Help Trial Registration Form's "Subscribe to mail list" checkbox. |
Gmail API | |
gmailApiClientID | Client ID of the Gmail application. |
gmailApiClientSecret | Client Secret of the Gmail Application |
gmailApiImageHandling | Select how to process embedded images |
gmailApiSenderEmail | Email address of the sender |
The default value of the Lifecycle stage property when creating a new contact. Possible values: subscriber, lead, marketingqualifiedlead, salesqualifiedlead, opportunity, customer, evangelist, other. The values are case-sensitive. | |
useServiceAccount |
To send emails from the QLM License Server, QLM Customer Site, QLM Portal or the QLM Agent, you must configure a Gmail Service account and use this account when sending emails. This is required to circumvent the authentication step required by Gmail to authenticate the user. This authentication step is not possible when sending emails from a service like the QLM Agent or a web application like the QLM Portal or the QLM Customer Site. |
HubSpot | |
actionWindowHeight | Height of the action window in the HubSpot CRM Card. |
actionWindowWidth |
Width of the action window in the HubSpot CRM Card. |
createContactFromTrialRegistration | If HubSpot integration is enabled, automatically create a Contact in HubSpot when a user registers in the QLM Trial Registration Form. |
createDealFromTrialRegistration | If HubSpot integration is enabled, automatically create a Deal in HubSpot when a user registers in the QLM Trial Registration Form. |
defaultLeadStatus | The default value of the Lead Status property when creating a new contact. Possible values: NEW, OPEN, IN_PROGRESS, OPEN_DEAL, UNQUALIFIED, ATTEMPTED_TO_CONTACT, CONNECTED, BAD_TIMING. The values are case-sensitive. |
defaultLifecycleStage | The default value of the Lifecycle stage property when creating a new contact. Possible values: subscriber, lead, marketingqualifiedlead, salesqualifiedlead, opportunity, customer, evangelist, other. The values are case-sensitive. |
Microsoft Graph API | |
microsoftGraphApiClientID |
Client ID of the application. |
microsoftGraphApiClientSecret | Client Secret of the application. |
microsoftGraphApiSenderEmail |
Email address of the sender. |
microsoftGraphApiTenantID | Tenant ID of the application |
Options | |
Allow users to activate a license of a product version smaller than the original one. For example, if a customer purchases Version 2.0, setting this property to true will allow the user to activate their license for Version 1.0. |
allowMultipleProductVersions OnSameSystem |
By default, if a user tries to activate a new version of a given product on the same computer, QLM will reuse the existing activation and overwrite previous data. If you need to allow a customer to install different versions of your product on the same system and activate each separately, set this property to true. |
autoCreateOrganization |
When creating a user from the HTTP method UpdateUserInformation or from the QLM Portal or from the QlmCustomerSite, specify whether to automatically create an organization based on the company name or email address. |
List of email providers that are banned from requesting trials. You can enter a partial string such as The comparison is case insensitive and checks if the email contains the value in the banned list. |
blockComputerIDs |
A || separated list of Computer IDs that are blocked from activating or validating a license on the License Server. |
blockIPAddresses |
A semi-comma-separated list of IP Addresses that are blocked from contacting the License Server. |
countRevokedTrials |
Determine whether revoked trials should be taken into account when evaluating the numberOfTrialLicensesAllowedPerClient. |
dbMaxRecords | Controls the maximum number of license keys that can be created. |
defaultCommerceProvider | The default eCommerce provider. This eCommerce provider is used if the is_vendor argument is not specified in the URL. |
defaultLicenseModelWhenDurationSet | When creating a license key with an expiry duration, if the LicenseModel value is not set, the system will automatically set the LicenseModel to this value. Possible values are: permanent | trial | subscription. |
defaultLicenseModelWhenExpiryDateSet | When creating a license key with an expiry date, if the LicenseModel value is not set, the system will automatically set the LicenseModel to this value. Possible values are: permanent | trial | subscription. |
defaultQlmVersion | The default version of the QLM Engine. This version is used if the is_qlmversion argument is not specified in the URL. |
emailProvider | Select the email provider to use when sending emails from the server. The currently supported email providers are: SMTP and Microsoft Graph API |
enableCustomUrlArgs | When calling HTTP methods on the server, allow passing a special is_args argument that uses custom server properties for resolution. |
enforceMaxTrialsMatchComputerIDOnly | When enforcing the numberOfTrialLicensesAllowedPerClient, determine if a client is the same by matching the client's Computer ID. If this property is false, the determination is based on Computer ID and Computer Name. |
enforceMaxTrialsWhenActivating | Controls whether QLM limits the number of trial keys per system. The number of trial keys allowed per system is controlled by the numberOfTrialLicensesAllowedPerClient property. |
enforceTrialsMatchComputerIDOnly | When enforcing the numberOfTrialLicensesAllowedPerClient, match the client based on the ComputerID only. By default, QLM will try to match the ComputerID as well as the Computer Name. |
genericEmailProviders |
List of email providers that are considered "generic" such as,, etc.. You can enter a partial string such as The comparison is case insensitive and checks if the email contains the value in the list. You can configure the Trial Registration Form to allow or deny requests originating from these providers. |
historyTableLogRelease | When a license is deactivated, QLM automatically logs a copy of the license record prior to deactivation in the QLM history table. You can turn off this feature by setting the historyTableLogRelease property to false. If you use QLM Pro Cloud-based floating licenses, it is highly recommended to set the historyTableLogRelease to false. On the other hand, if you turn off this feature, the maxReleaseCount related features are no longer supported. |
historyTableLogUpgrade | When a license is upgraded, QLM automatically logs a copy of the license record prior to the upgrade in the QLM history table. You can turn off this feature by setting the historyTableLogUpgrade property to false. |
licenseKeyFormatGroupSize | When a license key is generated, a separator (-) will be inserted every n characters. This property specifies the size of n. |
licenseKeyFormatMaxGroupSize | When a license key is generated, a separator (-) will be inserted into every n characters as specified by the licenseKeyFormatGroupSize property. The last group in the license key may not be equal to n. This property specifies the maximum number of characters in the last group. |
loggingLevel | Controls the QLM logging level. Set this value to 15 for the highest possible logging level. |
maintenancePlanGracePeriod | An expired maintenance plan cannot be renewed. This property allows for a grace period after expiry where the maintenance plan can still be renewed. |
maintenancePlanPeriodInDays | Default maintenance plan period when the maintenance plan is enabled. |
maxActivationsEnforcedOnVMsOnly | Enforce the maxActivationsPerSystem property only if the ComputerType is VM. |
maxActivationsPerDay | Limits the number of activations that can be performed in one day. |
maxActivationsPerSystem | Limit the number of activations on the same system. This is useful in the context of a virtual machine to prevent users from cloning VMs and activating the same license on multiple virtual machines. |
maxNewKeysPerDay | Limits the number of new activation keys that can be created in one day. |
maxReleaseCount | The maximum number of times an end-user can release a license. |
maxReleaseCountAbsolute | Determines whether the value of maxReleaseCount is absolute or proportional to the number of licenses. For example, if maxReleaseCount is 4 and the customer has 5 licenses, setting maxReleaseCountAbsolute to false implies that the customer can deactivate licenses 20 times. Setting maxReleaseCountAbsolute to true would allow the customer to deactivate licenses 4 times. |
maxReleasePerClient | When counting the number of released licenses for a given activation key, count only the ones associated to a specific client. By default, QLM counts all the released licenses for a given activation regardless of the client system. |
maxReleasePeriodInDays | When counting the number of released licenses, only count the ones that have been released in the past "maxReleasePeriodInDays" days. For example, if you want to allow a user to release a license twice per month, set maxReleasePeriodInDays to 30 and maxReleaseCount to 2. |
maxTrialDuration |
The maximum duration of a trial that can be set via the QLM Customer Site Registration page. |
numberOfTrialLicensesAllowedPerClient |
Limits the number of trial licenses that can be activated by a client. A client is uniquely identified by a ComputerID and a ComputerName. |
releaseLicenseRequiresAuthentication |
By default, releasing (de-activating) a license via the ReleaseLicenseHttp method requires the user to authenticate. This property allows you to relax this requirement and invoke ReleaseLicenseHttp without authentication. |
releaseLicenseRequiresVerificationCode |
Specify whether a deactivation verification code is required when calling ReleaseLicenseHttp. |
releaseLicenseUseAdminEncryptionKey |
By default, releasing (de-activating) a license programmatically does not require the AdminEncryptionKey property to be set. This property enforces the need to set the AdminEncryptionKey property prior to calling ReleaseLicense. |
renewMaintenancePlanWhenSubscriptionRenewed |
When renewing a subscription via the RenewSubscriptionHttp method, automatically set the Maintenance Renewal Date to the same value as the Subscription Expiry Date.
requireComputerKeyMatchWhenValidatingOnServer | When performing server-side license validation, if the Computer Key on the client does not match the Computer key on the server, return an error. This can happen when the license is updated on the server (expiry date extension, feature update, seats update, offline deactivation/activation) and the client has not reactivated the license yet. |
restrictManagementApiByIP | Calling the QLM Management API requires knowledge of the AdminEncrptionKey. For additional security, you can limit access to the QLM Management API to a set of IP addresses (semi-comma separated). Note that the local IP is implicitly allowed to call any QLM Management API. Use this feature with care because you could lock yourself out of QLM. If you do lock yourself out, you must delete the value of the restrictManagementApiByIP property in the ServerProperties table in the QLM database. Alternatively, you can install QLM on the server and update the restrictManagementApiByIP property using the QLM Management Console. This is guaranteed to work because all local requests bypass this validation mechanism. |
setProductPropertiesUseAdminEncryptionKey | Require that the AdminEncryptionKey be set before setting product properties via the API. |
sqlSyntax | If you are using an MS-SQL Server, set this property to sql. If you are using MS-Access, set this property to ms-access |
subscriptionGracePeriod | An expired subscription cannot be renewed. This property allows for a grace period after expiry where the subscription can still be renewed. |
trialDuration | Specify the duration of the trial period used when calling the CreateComputerBoundTrialKey API. |
updateExistingUserInformation | When creating a new user via the HTTP API or the QLM License Wizard User Registration form, if the user already exists, update the user information (except the email address), based on the new data. |
updateLastAccessedDateAfterAnyEdit | When true, any edit of a license from the QLM Management Console, the QLM Portal or the UpdateLicenseInfo API will update the LastAccessedDate. |
useDurationToSetExpiryDate | When creating an Activation Key with an expiry duration, the QLM License Server can convert the specified duration to a specific expiry date based on the current date. The SubscriptionExpiryDate field will be set to this expiry date. |
useDurationToSetExpiryDateWhenActivating |
When activating a duration-based license, the QLM License Server can convert the specified duration to a specific expiry date based on the time of activation. The SubscriptionExpiryDate field will be set to this expiry date. |
webMethodMaximumDelay | QLM web methods are protected against being intercepted and replayed at a later time. All methods are time stamped. When the server detects that the time stamp does not match the server's time, the method fails. This property allows you to specify the maximum allowed time discrepancy between the end-user system and the server. Timestamps are time zone independent. The default value is 600 seconds or 10 minutes. |
Paypal | |
ignoreCustomArgument | Ignore data in the PayPal custom field . |
ignoreItemNumberArgument | Ignore data in the PayPal item number field . |
paypalLoggingLevel | Controls the PayPal logging level. Set this value to 15 for the highest possible logging level. |
paypalUrl | URL to the PayPal IPN processor. By default, this value is configured to connect to the PayPal sandbox. Once you are ready to go live, you need to change this URL to point to the real PayPal IPN process: |
paypalUseSmtpFrom | When sending an email after a PayPal order, use the Server Property SmtpFrom as the sender. |
qlmVersion | Version of the QLM Engine. Should be set to 5.0.00 unless you want to generate license keys compatible with QLM v4.0 and earlier. |
qlmWebServiceUrl | URL to the QLM License Server, such as http://server/qlm/qlmservice.asmx |
revokeLicenseOnRefund | When a PayPal order is refunded, automatically revoke the license. |
revokeLicenseWhenSubscriptionCanceled | When a PayPal subscription is canceled, automatically revokes the license. |
sendMailBcc | Specify a comma-separated list of recipients that will be bcc'ed on all emails sent from the PayPal provider. |
sendMailCc | Specify a comma-separated list of recipients that will be cc'ed on all emails sent from the PayPal provider. |
sendMailForInitialOrder | If true, the QLM PayPal extension will send an email when a new order is placed using the specified email template. |
sendMailForSubscriptionRenewal | If true, the QLM PayPal extension will send an email when a subscription is renewed using the specified email template. |
templateFile | Obsolete - Once an order is processed successfully, QLM sends an email to the customer with the license key information. The email template name is defined by this property. The file should be located in the same folder as the License Server. |
vendorCompanyEmail | Email address of the vendor, i.e. your email address. |
vendorCompanyName | Company name of the vendor, i.e. your company name. |
Portal | |
allowedIPAddresses | A semi-comma-separated list of IP Addresses that are allowed to login to the QLM Portal. |
enableMFA | Enables Multi-Factor authentication for the QLM Portal. Once a user authenticates successfully with a user/pwd, a code is sent by email or SMS and needs to be entered to complete the authentication process. |
forgotPasswordEmailSubject | Set the subject of the email that is sent to users when they forget their password and request it. |
mfaEmailTemplate | The email template to use when sending the Multi-Factor Authentication email. Note that variables are not supported. |
portalBccRecipients | Semi-comma separated list of email addresses that will be bcc'ed on all emails sent from the QLM Portal |
portalBccUserGroupOwner | When sending emails from the QLM Portal, automatically bcc the owner of the User Group that the logged-in user belongs to. |
portalCountFloatingSeatsInMaxTotalKeys | Determine whether to include floating seats when evaluating the Max Total Keys that a portal user can create. |
portalDateFormat | The Date only format used in the QLM Portal. The default is d. |
portalDateTimeFormat | The Date / Time format used in the QLM Portal. The default is G. |
portalLoggingLevel | Controls the portal logging level. Set this value to 15 for the highest possible logging level. |
portalLogo | Path to the logo displayed in the QLM Portal. The path can be relative or absolute. |
portalTitle | The title to display in the Portal. |
portalTimezone | The timezone to use when displaying dates in the Portal. |
Regional Settings | |
dateFormat | Format of a date (no time) sent by a client via an http method call. The default value is yyyy-MM-dd. |
eCommerceProviderDateFormat | Format of a date (no time) sent by an eCommerce provider via an http method call. The default value is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. |
emailDateFormat | Date format used when a date variable is displayed in an email template. |
sqlDateFieldFormat | Date format use in SQL queries. The default value is YYYY-MM-DD. |
sqlDateFormat | Date format use in SQL queries. The default value is dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
sqlDateOnlyFormat | Date format used in SQL queries. The default value is YYYY-MM-DD. |
sqlDateTimeFormat | Date/time format used in SQL queries. The default value is: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. |
sqlDateValueFormat | Date format used in SQL queries. The default value is yyyy-MM-dd. |
Security Settings | |
allowGenericKeys |
Allows the creation and validation of generic license keys. Generic license keys are licenses that do not require activation and are not bound to a computer identifier. For example, if you embed a trial license in your code, you are using a generic license key. As of QLM v17, generic keys are disabled by default. |
blockRegistrationByIPAddress |
A semi-comma separated list of IP Addresses that are blocked from requesting a trial license. |
enableActivationByBasicAuthentication |
Enable activation by basic authentication. |
enableCreateActivationKey | Allows users to create an activation key via the API. |
enableCreateComputerBoundTrial | Allows users to create a computer-bound key via the CreateComputerBoundTrialKey API. |
enableCreateOrder | Allows users to create an order via the API. |
enableGetActivationKey | Allows users to create an activation key via the HTTP call GetActivationKey. |
enableGetLatestVersionHttp | Allows users to get information about the latest version via an HTTP call. |
enableRegisterLicense | Allows users to register a QLM portal license. |
enableReleaseKeyHttp | Allows users to release (de-activate) a license via an HTTP call. |
enableRenewSubscriptionHttp | Allows users to renew a subscription via an HTTP call. |
enableRetrieveActivationKeyHttp | Enables the RetrieveActivationKeyHttp API. |
enableUpgradeDatabase | Allows users to perform a DB upgrade. |
enableUpgradeLicense | Allows users to upgrade their licenses. |
enableUploadAffiliates | Allows users to upload affiliates. |
enableUploadECommerceProviders | Allows users to upload eCommerce providers. |
enableUploadProducts | Allows users to upload products. |
enableUploadServerProperties | Allows uploading server properties to the server. |
enableUploadUserAccounts | Allows users to upload user accounts. |
httpAdminMethods | List of HTTP methods considered to be administration methods. These methods can be protected by restricting the IP addresses that can call them. |
httpAdminMethodsAllowedIPAddresses | List of IP addresses that are allowed to call HTTP admin methods. |
strictAuthenticationHttpMethods | List of HTTP methods that should use QLM's strict authentication mechanism. |
strictAuthenticationMinimumVersion | The minimum authentication version that the server allows. |
strictAuthenticationTimestampTolerance | The tolerance, in seconds, between the timestamp in the HTTP request and the server time. |
SMTP Settings | |
smtpEnableSSL | Enables SMTP over SSL. |
smtpFrom | Email address of the sender. |
smtpFromDisplayName | Display name of the sender. |
smtpPassword | The password associated with the SMTP user. |
smtpPort | Port used by the SMTP server. |
smtpServer | IP or DNS name of the mail server. |
smtpUser | Name of the SMTP user. |
Webhook Events | |
customer_created | URL to the webhook that should be invoked when a customer is created. You can add multiple URLs by separating them with a semi-colon. |
customer_deleted | URL to the webhook that should be invoked when a customer is deleted. You can add multiple URLs by separating them with a semi-colon. |
customer_modified | URL to the webhook that should be invoked when a customer is modified. You can add multiple URLs by separating them with a semi-colon. |
license_activated | URL to the webhook that should be invoked when a license is activated. You can add multiple URLs by separating them with a semi-colon. |
license_created | URL to the webhook that should be invoked when a license is created. You can add multiple URLs by separating them with a semi-colon. |
license_deleted | URL to the webhook that should be invoked when a license is deleted. You can add multiple URLs by separating them with a semi-colon. |
license_released | URL to the webhook that should be invoked when a license is deactivated. You can add multiple URLs by separating them with a semi-colon. |
Webhook Settings | |
webHookMaxRetries | The number of times to retry invoking a webhook if it failed. |
webHookRetryInterval | The retry interval in seconds. |
webHookSecretKey | A secret key that you can use to validate the authenticity of the webhook request. The request header will contain the SHA256 value of the content + the secret key. |
webHooksEnabled | Enable or disable all webhooks. |
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