Requirements: QLM v15+
Following is a step-by-step procedure to protect a JUCE C++ Cross-Platform app. Note that the steps below assume you have a QLM License Server already set up.
1. Launch the QLM Management Console
2. Create a product from the “Define Product” tab or use the Demo 1.0 product if you are evaluating QLM.
3. Go to the "Protect your application tab":
- Page 1: Select the product to protect and the License Server then click Next
- Page 2: Select "Other Languages"
- Page 2: Select "JUCE"
- Page 3: Leave the default settings or customize the look & feel if needed
- Page 4: Select the folder where your want to generate the C++ source code and click Save
- Page 5: Click Finish
4. Add the generated files to your project.
5. Install OpenSSL
6. Copy the required binaries to your bin folder. On Windows, you will need:
- libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
- libssl-1_1-x64
7. Review the provided JUCE sample to determine how to validate a license at startup. The sample is located in: %Public%\Public Documents\Quick License Manager\Samples\qlmenterprise\Juce
The parameters that may need to be updated in the sample are in MainComponent.cpp:
- licenseFile: location where the license file will be created
- URL: URL to the QLM License Server
- productID: Your product's Product ID as per the Define Products/Product Information tab
- majorVersion: Your product's Major Version as per the Define Products/Product Information tab
- minorVersion: Your product's Minor Version as per the Define Products/Product Information tab
- publicKey: Your product's RSA Public Key as per the Define Products / Encryption Keys tab
In your application, at startup, you must:
- Create an instance of the QlmLicense class:
std::unique_ptr<soraco::License> m_license; // in header file
m_license.reset(new soraco::License()); // in cpp file
- Load the license file if it exists:
- To activate a license, create a function called ValidateLicenseOnServer and call it:
bool MainWindow::ValidateLicenseOnServer ()
if (license->Ping (url))
QString ak = license->getActivationKey();
QString ck = license->getComputerKey();
QString cid = license->getComputerID();
license->activateLicense(url, ak, ck, cid, productID, majorVersion, minorVersion);
if (license->isLicenseValid(computerId) == false)
return false;
return true;
- To check if a license is valid, create a function called checkLicense and call it.
void MainComponent::checkLicense()
juce::String validationResult = m_license->validationResult().result;
if (m_license->isLicenseValid(m_computerId) == false)
// You must decide what to do if the license is not valid
// Display a UI to allow the user to enter a new license key
// If the local license file is valid, we can also contact the server
// to check if the license is still valid on the server.
if (ValidateLicenseOnServer() == false)
// You must decide what to do if the license is not valid
// Display a UI to allow the user to enter a new license key
To generate a license key for testing purposes:
- Go to the Manage Keys tab.
- Click "Create Activation Key"
- Select the Product (Demo 1.0 for trials) and click Ok.
- Copy and Paste the generated Activation Key in the License Wizard launched when your application starts up and follow the steps in the wizard.
A sample is available in the following folder: %Public%\Documents\Quick License Manager\Samples\qlmenterprise\Juce
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