Count: Returns the number of product properties
ActivationKey: Returns the activation key associated with the product properties
LastDefinitionUpdate: Returns the last modified date of the product properties definition
LastValueUpdate: Returns the last date when one of the values of the properties was modified
XmlValue: returns the XML fragment of the product properties
Properties: returns a list of product properties (IQlmProductProperty).
IQlmProductProperty AddProductProperty(string guid, string category, string name, string type, string help, string val)
Adds a new product property.
guid: the unique identifier of the product property
category: category of the product property
name: name of the product property
type: data type of the product property. Possible values are: bool | int | string
help: help text to associate with the product property
val: default value of the product property
string Deserialize(string xmlContent)
Deerializes an XML fragment and populates the product properties
IQlmProductProperty[] GetProperties()
Gets a product properties array.
IQlmProductProperty GetProperty (string category, string name)
Gets the product property given a category and a name.
string Serialize()
Serializes the product properties into an XML fragment
ValidateSignature (string xmlValue, string publicKey, out string errorMessage)
Validates the signature of the XML fragment associated with the product properties
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