ILicenseInfo is an interface used to present results returned from the server in a structured format. When a QLM API that communicates with the License Server is called, the response is typically an XML fragment. This XML fragment is parsed and the result is loaded in an ILicenseInfo interface.
The members listed below will be populated based on the XML fragment returned by the server. Depending on the QLM API that is invoked, members of ILicenseInfo might therefore not be set if they are not present in the XML fragment returned by the server.
ActivationCount: Value of the activation count
ActivationDate: Date the license was activated
ActivationKey: Activation key
AffiliateID: User Group associated with the license
AvailableLicenses: Number of licenses currently available for activation
AuthorizationCode: Authorization code returned by the server when performing activation by authorization code
Comment: Comment associated with the license
Company: Name of company associated with the customer
ComputerID: Computer ID of the system on which the license is activated
ComputerKey: Computer Key generated after activation
ComputerName: Computer Name of the system on which the license is activated
ComputerType: Computer type of the system on which the license was activated: VM | Physical
Duration: Expiry Duration associated with the license
EligibleVersion: Latest version of the product eligible to the customer
Email: Email address associated with the customer
ExpiryDate: Expiry Date associated with the license
Features: Features enabled in the license
FloatingLicenseLocation: Location of the floating license database stored on the server
FloatingSeats: Number of floating seats associated with the license
FullName: Fullname associated with the customer
LatestVersion: Latest version of the product currently available
LatestVersionUrl: URL to the latest version of the product
LegacyKey: Legacy key associated with the license
LicenseModel: License model
LicenseStatus: Status of the license currently validated
MaintenanceRenewalDate: Expiry date of the maintenance plan
MajorVersion: Major version associated with the license
MaxReleaseCount: Value of the MaxReleaseCount
MaxReleasePeriodInDays: Value of MaxReleasePeriodInDays
MajorVersion: Major version associated with the license
MinorVersion: Minor version associated with the license
NewExpiryDate: New expiry date detected on the server following a request for server-side validation
NewFeatures: New features detected on the server following a request for server-side validation
NewFloatingSeats: New value for the number of floating seats detected on the server following a request for server-side validation
NumLicenses: Number of licenses associated with the license
ProductID: Product ID associated with the license
ProductName: Name of the product associated with the license
ProductProperties: Product Properties associated with the license
OrderID: Order ID associated with the license
RegisteredComputerKey: Computer key registered on the server
RegisteredComputerKey: Computer name registered on the server
RegisteredComputerID: Computer ID registered on the server
ReleaseDate: Date the license was last deactivated
ServerDate: Date of the License Server
ServerErrorCode: Error code returned by the server
SubscriptionID: Subscription ID associated with the license
UserData: User data associated with the license
void LoadLicenseXml(string licenseXml, string computerID)
Loads a license XML file generated by the server and populates the ILicenseInfo interface.
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