If you are hosting the QLM License Server and the QLM Portal on an Azure site, a special configuration is required if you use a custom URL to access the QLM Portal rather than the URL generated by Azure such as https://mysite.azurewebsites.net/qlmservice.asmx.
If you are using the default URL generated by Azure, this article does not apply to you.
QLM parses your URL and determines if the site is an Azure site by verifying that the domain matches "azurewebsites.net". If you created a custom URL that does not use azurewebsites.net, you need to instruct QLM that your site is hosted on Azure.
This is done by adding the following settings in the corresponding web.config files as shown in the table below. Note that this feature is supported as of QLM 14.1.
Service | Folder/File | Section | Setting |
License Server | QlmLicenseServer/web.config |
QlmWebService.Properties.Settings |
<setting name="azureService" serializeAs="String"> |
Portal | QlmPortal/web.config | appSettings | <add key="azureService" value="true"/> |
Customer Portal | QlmCustomerPortal/qlm-portal-api/web.config | appSettings | <add key="azureService" value="true"/> |
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