Initializes the floating license. You must call Init right after creating an instance of QlmFloatingLicenseHelper.
Method: void Init(IQlmLicense license, string computerID, string nodeName, string settingsXml, FloatingDbType dbType, string dbProvider)
- license is an instance of the QlmLicense object.
- computerID is the unique computer identifier associated with the system
- nodeName is the unique node name associated with the system
- settingsXml is the settings XML file generated by the Protect Your Application wizard
- dbType specifies whether the floating license database is XML, MS-Access or SQL Server.
- dbProvider specifies the DB provider for MS-Access or SQL Server
LicenseValidator lv = new LicenseValidator(settingsXml);
QlmFloatingLicenseHelper fh = new QlmFloatingLicenseHelper();
fh.Init(lv.QlmLicenseObject, computerID, nodeName, settingsXml, dbType, Settings.Default.dbProvider);
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