After initializing the QlmFloatingLicenseHelper by calling the Init function, you must call the Load method to load the floating license database and validate the license.
Function: Load(out bool reRegisterLicense, out bool reRegisterDb, out bool isOffline, out bool wasOffline, out QlmActivationStatus activationStatus, out string errorMessage, out string offlineError)
- reRegisterLicense is a return flag indicating the license must be reactivated.
- reRegisterDb is a return flag indicating the floating license DB must be re-registered.
- isOffline is a return flag indicating the system is offline.
- wasOffline is a return flag indicating the system was offline but is currently online.
- activationStatus is a return flag indicating the current activation status.
- errorMessage is a return error message if there was an error during the validation.
- offlineError is a return error message if there was an error related to the offline mode.
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