If you're integrating QLM with a 3rd party process such as a CRM system, you could use the QLM HTTP API to create a license for a customer.
The workflow for creating a license for a customer is:
- Create the customer using UpdateUserInformation
- Create the license and associate it with the customer using GetActivationKey
Note that the QLM HTTP API requires authentication. When you call an API, you must set the 3rd party provider by setting the is_vendor argument and configure the user/password as described in this article: How to define the user / password associated to an eCommerce provider
Example for creating a customer:
Curl -d "Email=vanessa@soraco.co" -d "name=Vanessa Shannon" -d "Phone=514-123-1234" -d "Country=Canada" -d "zip=H3P 3N4" -d "Company=Soraco" -d "addr1=Address1" -d "addr2=Address2" -d "City=MyCity" -d "state=MyState" -d "CustomerNotes=MyNotes" "https://qlm3.net/yesaccessible/qlmlicenseserver/qlmservice.asmx/UpdateUserInformation?is_user=test&is_pwd=test123456&is_vendor=regnow"
Example for creating a license key for that customer:
Curl -d "is_features=0:1" -d "is_productid=2" -d "is_majorversion=1" -d "is_minorversion=0"
-d "email=vanessa@soraco.co" -d "order_id=123456" -d quantity="3" "https://qlm3.net/yesaccessible/qlmlicenseserver/qlmservice.asmx/GetActivationKey?is_user=test&is_pwd=test123456&is_vendor=regnow"
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