C#: void AddUser(string webServiceUrl, string customerName, string customerEmail, string customerPhone, string customerFax, string customerMobile, string customerCompany, string customerAddress1, string customerAddress2, string customerCity, string customerState, string customerZip, string customerCountry, string customerIP, string customerNotes, bool includeInMailList, out string response)
webServiceUrl - URL to the QLM License Server
customerName - Full Name
customerEmail - Email address
customerPhone - Phone number
customerFax - Fax number
customerMobile - Mobile phone number
customerCompany - Company name
customerAddress1 - Address 1
customerAddress2 - Address 2
customerCity - City
customerState - State
customerZip - Zip Code
customerCountry - Country
customerIP - IP Address
customerNotes - Notes
includeInMailList - Include in mail list
response - XML fragment containing the result of the call. The Xml fragment schema is as follows:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<result>Customer ABC was added successfully.".</result>
In the event of an error, the XML fragments returns:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<error>Details about the error</error>
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