C#: void ActivateLicenseForUserEx2(string webServiceUrl, string activationKey, string email, string computerID, string computerName, string qlmVersion, string userData1, string affiliateID, EComputerType computerType, bool privacyConsent, out string response)
webServiceUrl - URL to the QLM License Server
activationKey - Activation key
email - Email address of user that owns the license
computerID - Unique computer identfier
computerName - Name of computer
qlmVersion - Version of the QLM Engine to use
userData1 - User data to associate with the license key
affiliateID - ID of affiliate
computerType - the type of the computer being activated: Physical machine or virtual machine
privacyConsent - A flag indicating whether the user consented to the privacy policy
response - XML fragment containing the result of the call. The Xml fragment schema is as follows:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<userCompany>My Company</userCompany>
<userFullName>John Smith</userFullName>
In the event of an error, the XML fragments returns:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<error>Details about the error</error>
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