Updates information of a registered installation on the server.
Note that to call this function, you must:
- Have a QLM Enterprise License
To invoke this method via a URL:
http://yourserver/yourvirtualdirectory/qlmservice.asmx/AnalyticsUpdateInstallHttp?is_installid =35BC5B3C-9102-46D5-BF75-29137A1F97E6&is_osversion=Windows 7&...
- is_installid = ID of the installation returned by the call to AnalyticsAddInstallHttp
- is_swversion= Version of your software
- is_osversion= Version of the operating system
- is_computer_name = Name of the computer
- is_computerID= Unique identifier of the computer
- is_avkey = activation key on the system
- is_pckey= computer key associated to the system
- is_trial= flag indicating if the license is a trial
- is_productname= name of your product
- is_majorversion = major version of your product
- is_minorversion= minor version of your product
- is_customdata1= your own custom data
- is_customdata2= your own custom data
- is_customdata3= your own custom data
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